Park Hill Parent's Day Out (PDO)
The Park Hill Parents’ Day Out (PDO) Cooperative has been providing childcare for children (ages 2-4) in Denver’s Park Hill Community since 1972. We are a non-profit, parent cooperative that fosters Spanish language development in a play-based learning environment.
Children are taught Spanish through an age-appropriate curriculum that focuses on particular themes for each quarter and encompasses a variety of daily activities, including stories, games, puzzles, music, crafts, play-acting and outdoor time. Children also learn about the culture, customs, and food of Spanish speaking countries. PDO is a parent-volunteer cooperative where all families participate to help run the program.

All Girl BSA Troop #262
As one of Denver’s first BSA troops for girls, we want to spread the word on how to add friendship, adventure, leadership skills and life changing experiences for your child. Scouts BSA is for ages 11 to 17.
Contact: Duncan Halstead Committee Chair – duncan.halstead@gmail.com 303-720-8912 Chris Lux – 2chrisluxs@gmail.com

Infinite Praise
Infinite Praise is a non-denominational church that meets at Messiah on Sunday from 11am – 1pm.

Myanmar Mission Church
Myanmar Mission Church meets at Messiah on Saturday from 2pm-4pm for Sunday School and church services are held Sunday from 1-3pm and 5-7pm.
Pastor Van Tu 720-723-1373

Suzuki Strings
Suzuki Strings of Denver offers private and group instrumental lessons, as well as Suzuki Early Childhood Education classes.
Classes are held in the sanctuary at Messiah Community Church.